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History of Adrenal Fatigue

Updated: Feb 5, 2018

Adrenal fatigue, often referred to as adrenal fatigue syndrome, is a condition that comprises a myriad of symptoms that result from adrenal glands that are functioning at sub-optimum levels.

Adrenal fatigue has been known over the last several decades as non-Addison’s hyponatremia, sub-clinical hyponatremia, neurasthenia, Adrenal neurasthenia, Adrenal apathy and Adrenal fatigue. Although millions of people the world over are affected by adrenal fatigue, western medicine does not readily recognize it and therefore many American physicians do not diagnose or treat it.

The adrenal glands are two glands (approximately the size of grapes) that sit on top of the kidneys (one on each kidney). They are responsible for releasing hormones that help humans cope with stress. One of the hormones the adrenal glands release is epinephrine (also known as adrenalin), the “fight or flight” hormone, which is released in times of fear or excitement. Another lesser-known hormone the adrenal gland releases is called cortisol. Cortisol helps the body cope with stress, by regulating heart rate, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, etc. This hormone is released when the body or mind is stressed. In a person who is under repeated or constant stress, the body is constantly requiring the release of cortisol. This constant demand for cortisol exhausts the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands become overworked and fatigued, and become unable to keep up with the demand for the stress-regulating hormones.

Physiology aside: Adrenal fatigue, simply explained, occurs when a person’s body or mind is under repeated or chronic stress. This condition can cause extreme upheaval in one’s life. Left unchecked, this condition can affect other organs and can affect body functions, such as metabolism and blood pressure.

Sadly, how to reverse adrenal fatigue life-altering upheaval can cause more stress, which often causes the sufferer to fall into a deeper, more serious case of adrenal fatigue. It is imperative that the person suffering from adrenal fatigue seek out treatment for all of their symptoms so that they can begin to heal their body.

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